Rabu, 22 Mei 2019

If Men get Angels in Heaven, then women get what In Heaven

If Men get Angels in Heaven, then women get what In Heaven

Please do not think that the paradise is only sex, because the true pleasure of heaven is not just that and cannot be imagined with human reason.


Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Utaimin was asked: "Men get the wives of angels in Heaven, then what do women get?

The women will get a man of Heaven experts, and men of Heaven experts are more positive than nymphs. The best man is among the men of Heaven expert. Thus, the part of women in Heaven can be bigger and more numerous than the male part, in matters of marriage. Because women in the world also (married) they have several husbands in Heaven. If a woman has 2 husbands, she is given the choice to choose between the two, and she will choose the best of both

(Fatawa wa Durusul Haramil Makki, Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen 1/132, quoted in Al-Fatawa Al-Jami'ah lil Mar'atil Muslimah, Indonesian edition "Fatwas about women 3" prints of Darul Haq)


Syaikh Abdullah bin Jibrin was asked: "When I read the Qur'an, I found many verses that gave good news to His servants who believed from men, with a beautiful angelic reply. Did women get replace it from her husband in the hereafter, because the explanation of the pleasures of Heaven is always addressed to male believers. Is the woman of faith less than the believer?


It cannot be doubted that Heaven's enjoyment is general for men and women. Allah says: "Surely I have not wasted the deeds of those who do charity among you, both men and women" (Ali-Imran: 195).

"Whoever does righteous deeds, both men and women in a state of faith, then indeed We will give him a good life" (An-Nahl: 97).

"Whoever does good works, both men and women, while he is a believer, they enter heaven and they are not persecuted even in the slightest" (An-Nisa ': 124).

"Indeed men and women are Muslims, men and women who are believers, men and women who remain in obedience, true men and women, men and women who are patient, men dedicated men and women, charitable men and women, fasting men and women, men and women who care for their honor, men and women who say a lot (names) of Allah, Allah has provided for them forgiveness and great reward "(Al-Ahzab: 35).

Allah has mentioned that they will enter Heaven in His words: "They and their wives are in a shady place, lying on the couches" (Yasin: 56).

"Enter you into Heaven, you and your wives are glad" (Az-Zukhruf: 70).

God mentions that women will be recreated. "Indeed, We created them directly, and We made them virgins" (Al-Waqi'ah: 35-36).

The point is to repeat the creation of old women and make them virgins back, the old ones return young. It has been mentioned in a hadith that world women have advantages over angels because of their worship and obedience. Women who believe enter Heaven as men. If a woman has been married several times, and she entered Heaven with them, she was given the right to choose one of them, so she chose the best among them.

Men Get Angels in Heaven, What Do Women Get?
The torture of hell fire is of course a thing that is shunned by any human because they will not want to fall into that place, but it is unfortunate because most humans only want to go to heaven and dream without actually doing a good service. Nor do good deeds, and instead take a path that is not in accordance with the commands of Allah SWT so that ultimately the ultimate goal is hell. Heaven is not for people carelessly, heaven is a reward for servants of Allah who have lived and believe in their lives where the prohibition of Allah is shunned and all His commands are obeyed.

Regarding men who can be angels in heaven and what women get, many ask. When a Muslim who believes and lives right in the world, when he dies he can enter heaven which is decorated with rivers, a variety of fruits that people love, beautiful gardens, palaces made of gold and pearls show their splendor in inside there are rugs, pillows and beds of gems and gold. Nature is the most beautiful heaven and no place can match it.

- It was said by Allah SWT that in heaven there will be beautiful angels who become wives of the Adam. The premise is that if you go to heaven, men get angels taken from the word of God where God's servants who have been cleansed from sin will get certain sustenance, including fruits. They are glorified and in heaven there are many pleasures that can be enjoyed on the throne of greatness and to them will be circulated a glass that has been filled with water from a flowing river. The color of the khamer is white and tastes good. On their side there will be angels who have beautiful eyes as if they are well-kept ostrich eggs.

It was mentioned by Allah SWT that later in heaven there will be an angel with sharp eyes with beautiful shapes as a reward for those who believe so that the children of Adam can passionately worship God and live more godly in the world even though full of ego.

What do women get in heaven? Women are created with shyness so, women are not encouraged by Allah SWT to do good deeds by mentioning the rewards that will make these women feel embarrassed when they hear or read them. However, that does not mean that pious women will not get any reward. For those who are married in the world but the husband goes to hell, or a pious woman who does not marry then in heaven they will get a romantic, handsome and mighty male partner.

As beautiful as an angel in heaven, it is still prettier the women who, as long as in the world, live with piety because of the obedience and worship carried out while they are still alive. So, a man gets an angel in heaven, then what do women get? Both women or men who in the world do not have a partner then in heaven will be married by God to the inhabitants of heaven.

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